MGallery Manto Hotel Lima - Luxury hotel - Seasonal Stay

Seasonal Stay

1 night in a Deluxe king Room
Early check-in (9am) and late check-out (8pm)*
Breakfast Buffet or served in the room*
Access to gym
Wi-Fi & parking included

Price: $115

Published price valid until 31/May/2024. Promotion subject to reservation and availability. Breakfast buffet subject to availability. Early check-in and late check-out subject to availability. Wi-Fi and free parking included. Valet parking not included. Not valid on public holidays and/or special dates (24, 25, 31 December and 1 January)
Reference exchange rate is S/3.80, subject to market fluctuations. Price includes sales tax and tips. Not valid for other discounts and/or promotions. Valid for Peruvians and/or residents.


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MGallery Manto Hotel Lima

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